Life Lately

Hey y’all! Happy February! I know everyone likes to joke that January felt like it was 74 days long, but I swear, it flew by for me!

Since we moved to Newport, time has seemingly flown by! Probably because we’ve enjoyed living here so much! This past weekend marked exactly 6 months since we first rolled into Rhode Island, over the Pell Bridge, and moved into our home. We’ve loved just about everything about our neighbors and neighborhood! It’ll be sad to say goodbye, but knowing that everyone else is also moving will make it easier.

Speaking of moving, we found out where we’re moving to! Maybe.. You just never really know with the Army! I plan to announce it as soon as we have something a little more concrete, like an RFO (request for orders). I’m thinking we’ll play a little game, like my friend Lisa has done in the past!

I will say: it’s a location that can get pretty cold, so as a neighbor friend suggested, it gave me a little push to go ahead and invest in some more quality winter gear! I just ordered Caesar some booties too, since I’ve enjoyed taking him on walks down on our beach lately. I’ve been able to collect a good amount of sea glass down there recently! Handful of sea glass, from Fort Adams beach in Newport, RI

We’ve been going back and forth about living on or off post, plus possibly traveling to visit the area before moving, just to get a feel for housing. I think buying a house is definitely off the table this time! I’m actually strongly leaning towards selling both of the houses, because of risk and taxes. Eek.

In addition to possibly traveling to the new duty station, John booked a spring break trip for us to Europe! We have lots of sight seeing planned and I can’t wait! It’ll be my first time going to Europe. My brother lives in Amsterdam, so we’ll spend some time over there, along with Paris, London, and Dublin! 

Before I sign off for the day, I just want to share something special that a friend shared with me! St. Jude’s has a website that allows you to send a Valentine greeting to a patient! It’s completely free and only takes a few moments to do! I hope you’ll join me in sending a little love to the kiddos!

Hope you have a fantastic Super Bowl weekend! Who are you rooting for?! I’m team #anyonebutbrady! ;P