A Day in the Life

I’ve been itching to do a day in the life post for forever! The one thing always holding me back, was a lack of photos to share. This week, I really focused on taking hourly photos, so here we are. Buckle up folks, we’re going for a ride on the crazy train!

Our day to day life varies, depending on the day. This all took place on a Wednesday, which can sometimes be a busier day for me. I wake up with my alarm at 7:05am then typically head to bed by 10:00pm or so. This is a look at everything in between!

7:05am – My iPhone plays a pleasant melody to wake me up each week day. I’ve perfectly calculated the amount of time it takes us to get ready for school in the morning and have made sure to not set my alarm for a second earlier than necessary.

I’ll pop in to each girls’ room to wake them before heading down to the kitchen to pop some frozen pancakes into the toaster. I keep telling myself that I’m going to make my own pancakes and freeze them, but buying the box of Eggos is just so much more convenient.

While breakfast is warming up, I’ll put the finishing touches on lunch. Once again, probably a packaged product. Lately, I’ve been freezing GoGurts and juice boxes overnight. I’ll hustle everyone through breakfast, then upstairs to brush teeth, get dressed, and head to the bus stop.

8:05am – My older girls are on their way to school, so it’s time to take Caesar out for a walk and prep Juli for gymnastics. We have a few leotards for her, so she’ll without a doubt argue with me about wanting to wear the one leotard that is in the wash.

Before heading out the door, I’ll make an extra large coffee to hold me over through the gym lesson. I found a pumpkin spice creamer at the grocery store last week that is delicious!

9:05am – Gymnastics! I’m actually very pleased with the gymnastics program at the YMCA. It’s a lot more structured than I was expecting. The older girls on the competition team are GOOD!

Ju has been doing gymnastics since forever, so she does pretty well in this preschool class. Our little neighbor is in the class also, so occasionally, she and Ju will get caught playing around. On this particular day, the coach had to ask someone to stop kissing the other.

While the gym class was happening, I finallized my grocery shopping list. I had the basics all down, but wanted to quadruple check so that I didn’t miss anything minor. Spoiler alert: I forgot all the s’mores ingredients.

10:05am – Commissary time! For a while, I shopping at a variety of the grocery stores around town. The commissary actually seems to be significantly cheaper, so this is where I’ve been sticking to for my shopping trips. It’s not far from the YMCA either, so I knock it all out while I’m on this part of town.

Just like the Fort Knox commissary, this commissary hardly ever has anyone in. Pay day or not! Even with a kid in tow, grocery shopping is always a breeze here! Plus everyone is SO nice! This store only has 10 (?) aisles, so it’s mostly the basics, no fluff. Get in, get out.

11:05am – By this time, we’re just making it back home. The main tourist season is over, but now we have geriatric cruises coming into post daily. Thankfully, most traffic left with the summer crowd.

Ju sat on the couch tuned into Nexflix while I unloaded the car. As soon as the tub of cheese puffs emerges in the house, she wants it! As I unload and put groceries away, I also clean out the fridge and toss any last remnants of week-old left overs.

12:05pm – Whoops! Totally skipped lunch! Guess the cheese puffs were enough?! Before settling in for the afternoon, Caesar gets another walk.

Netflix keeps Juli occupied, while I sit down on the computer to work on some blog stuff. Mostly Tailwind and Pinterest scheduling. I added a few more sentences to a post I had hoped to publish, but wasn’t motivated enough to actually finish it up.

3:05pm – I swear, time flies when I sit at the computer. Before I knew it, it was after 3! At this point, I figured I should get stuff done around the house.

Start a load of laundry that will sit in the washer for a few days, then the dryer for a few days more before finally being tossed onto the guest bed.

I had hoped to tackle some of the playroom clutter, but holy cow, it was overwhelming. Instead, I decided to hang up the brackets for the flags sitting in the corner of the playroom.

4:05pm – The girls are home and it’s snack time! Veronica FINALLY got her violin, so she’s testing it out! The music rental store forgot to deliver V’s violin to the school, which eventually became a huge ordeal.

From now until dinner time, the girls will go play outside with the neighbor kids. Have I mentioned that I love this neighborhood?!

5:05pm – Juli’s school went apple picking last week, so we’ve had a bag of apples sitting on the counter for a week+. Obviously, this is the ideal time to bake a pie. The filling was from scratch. The crust was definitely not.

With the help of Hello Fresh, I get dinner started. Does anyone ever actually want to cook the groceries they just went shopping for on grocery day? I don’t think so!

6:05pm – Dinner time! Pork chops, with a cherry balsamic jam, couscous, and roasted broccoli! Naturally, each of the girls complained about some part of the meal. Some suffered through eating, and some left their plates untouched.

From the table, the older girls head up to shower for school the next day. John picks up the table and kitchen while I help out with shampoo and conditioner.

7:05pm – The two younger girls are supposed to head to bed by 7:30. We use this last little bit of time to wind down and give them some screen time. Brushing and flossing happens before heads hit pillows. One child will actually stay in bed. The other will come down the stairs every 5 minutes, until her older sister heads up to snuggle with her.

8:05pm – It was a loooong day y’all! It’s time for final good nights and mommy wind down time! Ju has her own bed, but sleeps with Veronica because she wants snuggles. Some nights she’ll end up in my bed for snuggles, and some nights V will just suffer through it!

John is busy in the office getting a paper finished for submission on Thursday. I DVR the new episode of Modern Family, while watching an older one through OnDemand. Once upon a time, we use to catch every episode as it aired. Nowadays, we’re usually in bed by that time.

When John’s school work or studying takes too long, I’ll head up to bed on my own. I’ve recently started taking off my makeup (I know, I’m terrible), so I’ll do that before aimlessly scrolling through social media for a little while.

PHEW! Still with me?! No? That’s ok! I’m barely here either! Ha!

What are your days like?!