Sun Days

After a super sunny and relaxing weekend, and a week away from this lovely blog, I’m back! Having some time to regenerate and not obsessively think about blog things was fantastic!

Over the weekend, John and I took our stand up paddle board out for it’s maiden voyage. We love Hickam for SUP, since the water is usually very calm in that bay. They rent boards there too, so there’s the perfect area for launching without worrying about running over swimmers.


We were out at Hickam for a while, so I ended up with a bit of a burn. Ouch!


On Sunday morning, I went on a hike with my boot camp workout group. Nothing like a great group of motivational ladies to scale a mountain with! After the hike, we made our way to breakfast, at Lulu’s in Waikiki. The stuffed French toast that I had was phenomenal!

Following breakfast, a group of us lounged around the pool at the Hale Koa. Boy is it nice to just lay with a mai tai in hand and not have to worry about chasing kids!

After a few hours at the pool, we were on our way back home. It’s safe to say that I was probably dehydrated, and feeling pretty crappy, so thanks to my wonderful husband, I had a Whopper for dinner and was off to bed!

I woke up so refreshed this morning and ready to take on the day!

How was your weekend?