I Got A Mom Bag..

And it’s been life changing..

Up until now, I’ve always just hauled my wallet around in my hand. Phone in the waistband of my yoga pants. Key ring around a finger. The diaper bag (a backpack) usually stays in the car. The shape of it wasn’t super conducive to holding anything other than diapers, and since we don’t change diapers all that often out in public, it hardly ever makes an appearance.

My mom bag though. Oh I love it! I only got it over the weekend, but it’s been attached to me since! As soon as I got it home, I tossed in a few diapers, a pack of wipes, some toys, and the wallet. Even my DSLR, so that I have it for all of those important photo moments.


Just being able to easily carry around the wipes and toys has made life so much easier. Snotty nose? Here ya go, kid! Bored? Play with Minnie!

The bag will be put to the real test at gymnastics. Drinks, snacks, who knows what else..?!

Most importantly, a full bottle of wine fits perfectly on top of all the diapers, and Goldish, and and singing books. What more could a mom ask for?!