Homeschool-ish [January]

Because of the holidays, our homeschool-ish activities kind of got moved to the back burner. However, in January we came back swinging. January’s theme was “Under the Sea,” which worked perfectly, since it was the month where I hoped to do some sea creature discoveries. Unfortunately, the whales have been hiding from us and no whale watching has happened.

Instead of being actual educational activities, it turns out that we stuck mostly to crafty activities. Either way, it was still fun for the girls and it was a little something to break up our everyday routine.

homeschool-jan-curriculumWeek 1: We made fish two ways. The first was using the letter of the week, F and gluing the fish parts to it. The other method was on a paper plate with different colors of tissue paper scraps. We also went over the color blue and how to say it in Spanish: azul. Letter F is for fish homeschool activity Week 2: For whale week, we attempted to catch the whales passing by on the east side of the island, but that was a no go. I had the girls do some finger painting on a sheet of cardstock with some washi tape stuck down in the shape of a whale.

whale watching
Clearly not impressed

Week 3: With O being the letter of the week for week 3, octopi were the obvious choice. For some reason, thinking about octopi makes me think of spaghetti. So playing around with cooked spaghetti was the activity of the day. Now that I think about it, it may have been fun to make hot dog octopi for lunch, but it’s too late now. Oops!

Week 4: Veronica still needs a some help with the letter M. I suppose I was probably confused when it came to distinguishing Ms and Ns as a preschooler as well. We have the most adorable mermaid art project that the girls made together. I stole the idea from a friend and I can’t wait to show you guys the little project. It’s seriously ADORABLE!

Our past homeschool-ish adventures: