Homeschool-ish [November]

Ok.. So I dropped the ball on our homeschool-ish post for October. And I kinda dropped the ball on homeschool-ish period when it came to November. With the hustle and bustle of preparing for Thanksgiving and my mother-in-law’s visit, home learning got neglected. Plus, the theme was fairy tales, so it wasn’t something that I was super interested in. I guess I could have made up my own curriculum, but I really didn’t have time for that and I’ve enjoyed using the Play Learn Love curriculum up until this point.

For November, we really only got through the first two weeks, which were the Three Billy Goats Gruff and Little Red Riding Hood. There wasn’t much to be learned, so the bulk of our work was just busy craft projects. I never got around to taking photos and the projects have since been packed away, so there’s that.

Color Balance

On the Play Learn Love curriculum there aren’t any specifics for December. Yesterday, we started with a snowman. I’m thinking that for Friday we might focus on snow in general and how water and come to exist. With all the Christmas preparation happening, we’ll see if December actually happens. If not, January will be a great place to pick up again. It focuses on sea life, including dolphins and whales, which should be migrating past the island around then.

Past homeschool-ish adventures: