Microwave Mug Brownie
Even though I finally started working out again this morning, I felt the need to indulge in sweets. The girls were acting bananas yesterday, and I think Juli has hit a growth spurt, so things have been rough around these parts. I’ve really been craving a brownie in a mug, so I decided to finally make it happen. I love this recipe because it’s quick, easy, and damn delicious!
I’ve shared this microwave brownie recipe before, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to do it again. Especially since now I can take spiffy pictures and include a spiffy recipe card in my post. 😉

Microwave Brownie in a Mug

- 2 tablespoons Butter
- 4 tablespoons Sugar
- 4 tablespoons All-Purpose Flour
- 2 tablespoons Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
- 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla
- 2 tablespoons Water
- 1 dash Salt
- Place the butter in the mug and microwave until melted, approximately 30 seconds
- Add the rest of the ingredients to the mug and stir well to combine.
- Microwave for approximately 75 seconds, or until cooked.
Brownie will be dry if cooked for too long!
Depending on the day, sometimes a scoop of ice cream on top is warranted. Today was one of those days.
I know I’m trying to eat healthier (there was plenty of kale in my shopping carting cart today), but every once in a while, I’m going to cheat. Plus, my bootcamp instructor said we should try to cut back, instead of completely quitting. So, instead of two brownies in a mug, I’ll only have one today.