We’re Having A(nother) Baby!
Yes friends, I have joined the ranks of Kelsey, and soon enough will also be a mommy of three. Kinda of scary, right?
We’ve known for a little while now, but I finally had an appointment on Tuesday, where I got confirmation via ultrasound. Today I go back for another ultrasound to confirm the due date, but according to nonscientific calculations, I should be exactly 12 weeks today and due July 25, 2014.
Currently, I’m feeling pretty good. I get extremely tired in the early afternoons, but other than that, I can’t complain. I was feeling pretty nauseous for a couple of weeks while we were still in the hotel, which was not pleasant at all, but that’s all passed. Thankfully!
Unlike my two previous pregnancies, I was automatically tossed into the high-risk category for this one, because of my blood pressure issues. After meeting with my doctor on Tuesday, I found out that I’m not really high-risk, I don’t really have blood pressure issues, and he wasn’t even sure why I was started on blood pressure meds to begin with. Oh well!
The doctor assured me that high-risk pretty much only meant I’d receive some extra special attention, and that he wasn’t overly worried about my condition. Since I’m considered high-risk, I’ll probably have appointments every two or three weeks versus every four to six weeks, and for the last few months I’ll have to go in twice a week. The only thing that worries my about that is that the hospital is a tad far, and the parking (as with everywhere else in Hawaii) is kind of ridiculous. So far, I haven’t had any issues though.
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Congrats!! That is so exciting. I had blood pressure issues as part of preeclampsia with both pregnancies and had to go for doctor visits more frequently. Even if it’s a pain to get there at least you know they are on top of any potential issues. Wishing you a healthy and stress free pregnancy.
How wonderful! Congrats! 🙂
Omg congrats you crazy lady! You are so tiny!
Yay congrats!!
Congrats my sweet friend!!! oh lala a Hawaiian baby for you 🙂 Hey more visits mean more ultrasound pics 🙂
Oh my gosh – how exciting! Congratulations!!!!
Congrats!!! Praying for a smooth pregnancy for you! 🙂
Congrats!!! How exciting!!!!!!
OMG … congrats mama! I’m so glad I had some time to look through my fave bloggers this morning. Weird having time to myself! Geez!!! And holy hell! You’re pregnant! CONGRATS!!! So many exclamation points I just don’t know what to do with myself right now.
Yay! A Hawaii baby. I really have to plan a trip out there.
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
Yaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh that’s amazing!!!!! I am so happy and excited for you guys! And to be mentioned in a pregnancy announcement post! That’s kind of like winner an oscar! Seriously so excited for you!
Awww congrats!! So excited for you and John!! {And the girls, of course!}
Congrats! Again. 😛
Congratulations!!! Hope your pregnancy is smooth sailing!
Congrats! We are 14 w 3 d and are due in July 9th. This is our first though!
Congratulations! I had preeclampsia at the end of my first pregnancy, but no issues during my second. It sounds like you will just get extra attention without extra risk, which is always good when you’ve already got two little ones to care for — a reminder to take care of yourself too!
Congratulations! And from a mother of three, brace yourself. A whole lot of good times are coming your way 😉
Hooray for this awesome news! Hope you are feeling okay and kuddos to you for handling 1st trimester, a move, new place, etc. You are super mama! Cant wait to read about your pregnancy journey and all. Congrats lady.
Congrats!!!! How did I miss this? What was I doing on Friday?
I’m a little late, but congratulations!! 🙂
Congrats! I saw your announcement on Instagram and I am also due in July! The 5th! Bump buddies!
such exciting news! sorry I’m so late – I’m behind but I’m very happy for you!!
So wonderful! Congrats to you and your family!