Blog Organization

I’d have to say that I succeed in getting my home life organized. I even cleaned the toilets! Like I said yesterday, today is the blog’s turn. I’ve been blogging for a year and a half, and have learned so much in that time. One of the things that has helped me with blogging the most, is keeping a calendar. I’ve been using one for a while, but this trick that I learned from Sew Much Crafting, has made it so much easier.

Before I get into that, I’d like to introduce my two newest sponsors! Lanaya from Raising Reagan & Kelsey from Pardon My French! I know many of you know Lanaya. She is mom to adorable Reagan and business owner! Kelsey is a fellow Army wife, and mom of three gorgeous kiddos up in Alaska.

Now, my blog calendar. A few months ago, I purchased the printable blog planner set from Mama’s Got It Together. The first things I started using was the monthly calendar. By the end of the month, it was looking like an ugly scribbled mess. I would either not have time to post, or something would come up and I’d need to switch posts around a bit.

That’s when I saw Danielle’s post. She gave me the idea to start using Post-It notes to write my blog posts on, so that they could easily be moved around with out causing a mess. I bought a $1 pack of four small Post-Its at Walmart, which I was able to cut in half and stick on one of the page margins.

Now when I get ideas, I jot them down on the sticky note and stick it on the calendar. This month I’m using four colors instead of just two. But only because I like pretty colors. I haven’t really assigned a subject to any of the colors, so for now I just go in rainbow order. One day I might start color coding, since that usually helps with staying on top of things.

Do you do anything like this for your blog?

Check out my fantastic sponsor:


  1. I use a cheap planner and attempt to plan out my posts but I am constantly falling behind and crossing things out. I like the idea of the post it’s.

  2. I have to different calendars for blogging. One to move posts around and the other where I write little notes of post ideas since they always come at the oddest times.

  3. I love this idea! I am going to have to use it to help with my blog schedule. I always have great idea and never write them down.

  4. I’ve started using the calendar on the new Windows desktop — I can toggle between Blogger and that just by hovering over the corner of the screen.

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