

Hello, my dears! If you’re reading this, it means you survived 2020. And now we’re on to part 2! Just kidding! While this year hasn’t started out perfectly, I’d say we have a lot to look forward to.

When school started in the fall, I continued my subbing job at the girls’ school that I had started the week before the rona kicked us out of school. Due to school and local guidelines, there have been plenty of adult absences this year, which means plenty of opportunities to work. More often than not, if I don’t have meeting related to the volunteering I do around post, I am at school. 

As a result, my blogging schedule has suffered tremendously. I mean, I could always say no to going to school, but I have a hard time doing that. I keep reminding myself that we only have 5 more months until summer break, and then once that rolls around, we’ll be off to a new state and I definitely don’t plan on pursuing work outside of the home there. 

For the next 2 week however, Veronica is home on quarantine, and the plan is to crank out some content! Last year I started the Pretty Focused course, but with the kids home and now me working, I haven’t had a chance to fully put what I’ve learned into action. I have some yummy recipes to work on this week that will hopefully make their way to the blog shortly. 

As I mentioned above, we’ll be moving this summer! I have mixed feelings on the location, but am excited for the job opportunity for John. I have a post planned for later this week with all of the details, plus what I’m looking forward to! Keep an eye out for that!