Weekly Meal Planning Printable

Use this free weekly meal planning printable to help organize your family’s meals for the week! It includes a detachable grocery shopping list to make sure you don’t miss anything!

With school starting back up for us next week, we’ve been using this week to ease back into our routine. Thank goodness we chose to spend a whole week trying to get back on track. After nearly six months with a very fluid and flexible routine (or lack of routine), getting back to eating dinner and getting to bed on time has been a challenge. 

Basically, our demise begins at dinner time. There have been nights recently, where we were eating dinner as late as 7:30, when our usual dinner time is around 6:00. From there, showers, downtime, and bedtime are all delayed. 

Knowing the importance of getting enough sleep on school nights, having dinner at a reasonable time has now become a priority. To help ensure that I have a plan for dinner for the week and to help save time, I came up with this meal planning sheet. 

By meal planning, I’m able to save time and money by knowing exactly what I need from the grocery store. Instead of fumbling around the pantry with 15 minutes until dinner time, I’m able to backwards plan and be ready to serve a meal at 6:00.

What I love about this specific meal planning printable, is that it includes a shopping list. Everything prints together on the same sheet of paper, to make for easy organization. Simply detach the shopping list when it’s time to head to the store. Or, if you’re like me, leave the list attached and use it to create your Walmart Grocery pickup cart. 

I’ve love using Walmart Grocery pickup these last few months. Not only has it kept me out of the stores and away from people. But I’ve also been able to avoid taking the kids into the store, which is always a nightmare. This is truly a money saver, as we aren’t throwing random impulse purchase items into the cart. YAY!

If you’d like to print a copy of the meal planning sheet, click the image below to download.

Also, be sure to hop over to my Instagram, where I have a highlight dedicated to weekly meal plans

>> Get $10 off when you sign up for Walmart Grocery Pickup!