Life Lately

Hello and happy new year!

The kids are back to school and the grandparents are all on their way back home to Florida, so although it’s the 2nd of the year, today actually feels like a fresh start! We spent all of yesterday putting away Christmas, which I now realize took up so much space in our small house.

Lighthouse at Gurney's Hotel on Goat Island and the Pell Bridge, Newport, Rhode Island sunset.

We spent winter break showing the family around Newport as best as we could! Let me tell ya, exploring is not as fun when it’s freezing cold outside. As a result, we made sure to check out plenty of the mansions.

As residents of Newport, we get free admission to the mansions. For our guests, we ended up buying winter passports. The passes are good all season and can be transfer. They paid for themselves within 2 visits, so totally worth it!

Santa visited and brought the girls some great stuff! The goal this year was to not buy a bunch of little junky things, and I’d say we stuck to the goal. Because they’ve spent a ton of time playing outside with the neighbor kids, each girl got an outside toy. For Adri, it was an Ezyroller [affiliate link]. A few of the kids around us already had some, plus Santa brought some for other neighbors, so it’ll be fun to see the kids scooting around come warmer weather.

I really didn’t have any wants for Christmas this year, so most of my list was needs. Santa brought some equipment that should help me create more and better content in the coming year. Basically, I’m just recycling my goals 2018, which included freelancing and working more behind the scenes by creating content for other bloggers.

Over the break, John submitted his wishlist for our next assignment. The plan is to move again this summer. That’ll be 3 PCS moves in the span of 3 years. I am SO ready to finally settle somewhere for more than a year!

We should actually know where we’re headed in just a few week! I’m SO anxious to finally know and then get this move going. I will miss Newport terribly though! There aren’t many places that the Army can send us that will be this nice!

Annnd now, because I haven’t stopped sneezing for the last 4 hours, I am off! That, and this stupid new WordPress update is making this post impossible to type out.

Wishing you and yours all the best in 2019!