Our Weekend

Happy Tuesday, y’all! It’s a short week and I am ready for it! I hope everyone had a fantastic long weekend celebrating our nation’s veterans!

We kicked off the weekend at the Marine Corps Birthday Ball, celebrating 243 years of the United States Marine Corps!

Actually, that’s a lie. Our baby sitter showed up early, so that we could go to a promotion for another Military Police Officer. The reception was held at the Officer Club on base, so we used that as an opportunity to pregame for the ball.

I wore my blue dress! I could not believe that it won by such an overwhelming majority! Sadly, we didn’t have an opportunity to have the sitter take photos, because John was only half dressed when we left the house.

We made it to the ball just as cocktail hour was ending. Perfect timing! One of our neighbors is a Marine, so she bought our tickets for us and we sat with her and her family. Also at our table, one of my fave Instagram moms, Max! I “met” Max over the summer on Instagram, after another military Insta mom told me that she was moving to Rhode Island also. In an interesting twist of events, our kids ended up at the same preschool too! Crazy, huh?!

The Marine Corps Ball ended up being spectacular! One of the best balls I’ve been to in nearly 10 years as a military spouse. The Navy ball we attended here didn’t even compare! And the gifts were Marine Corps flasks! Talk about useful and not over done! HA! I mean, you can only have so many military ball glasses.

I had asked a while back what one would expect from a four-course meal at a ball. Typically, you get salad, entree, and dessert. The additional course here was a soup; clam chowder. I don’t do seafood, but I ate it all anyway. It was actually surprisingly delicious. I just managed to just swallow the clam bits whole, since I am NOT a fan of the chewy texture.

Dinner was followed by hours of dancing! I am SO glad I ordered these little slippers from Amazon to keep in my clutch. They saved my feet! At the end of the night we rode home with a group of neighbors. All the more reason to love living here!

Sunday was a super lazy day. We mostly sat around recovering from the prior late night. The kids in the neighborhood organized a little Veterans Day parade/performance? I’m not even sure. I napped sporadically through the day.

Monday turned out to be a much better day! Thank goodness for long weekends! We headed out early to grab breakfast at a local restaurant then pick up John’s car from the hotel where the ball was. Valet parking was free for ball attendees. Woot woot!

I cleaned up around the house a bit, then took what I thought was a late trip to the grocery store. I thought I would be ok with this daylight savings thing, but ohhhmygoodness. It’s dark by 5pm here. I think it was about 3:30 by the time I was ready to start cooking and getting dinner on the table. I am appreciating that extra hour of sleep in the mornings though.

The slow weekend and moping around last week is just what I needed to kick me back into the blogging mood! I’ve been SO lazy with this blog lately, but I’m finally inspired to crank some content out. I’ve got so many half-finished posts that I’ll be getting around to finishing in the next few day. Hopefully!