
Three Little Ferns!

Three Little Ferns

Hello, hello friends! I am SO excited to welcome you to my new blog!

Although we have a new name and a new look, the feel and content will remain the same. But better!

With this change, I’m looking to refocus and dedicate my time to sharing really useful and inspiring content that others can relate to. So you’ll still find snippets from our day to day life, easy recipe and craft ideas, and some military related posts (especially with our big move this summer) here!

Why the new name? Simply put, I was tired of Munchkins and the Military. The name felt slightly juvenile, and while I did write about the munchkins and the military, I didn’t want to be tied down to those topics. Especially since the military aspect doesn’t appear here all that often.

I’d been wanting to make the change for what seemed like YEARS, but I could never really find a name that fit. I was looking for a generic lifestyle name, maybe featuring my actual name, but the ideas were few and far between.

It wasn’t until one morning that I was signing Ju into gymnastics and was feeling too lazy to write out Fernandez completely, that it hit me.

My first idea was Five Little Ferns, for the alliterative aspect, but with John and I being not so little, I knocked the number down to three. And Three Little Ferns was born.

My hope is that “Little” doesn’t scream mommy blog, but I guess even if it does, it’s better than the actual reference to munchkins right there in the title.

I’ve been working all morning on getting my social media account and everything switched over. Things might be wonky here for a few days. Maybe I’ll finally update that “About Me” page to reflect that third child that I’ve had for almost 3 years not.

I’ve gotta give a shout out to Fran for the seamless transition! Because of the time difference, from here to Germany, I woke up to a brand new shiny website!

Thanks for sticking around! I can’t wait to embark on this new journey with y’all!