Easy At Home Teeth Whitening with Smile Brilliant

I was provided Smile Brilliant product in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

If there’s one thing I’ve always been a little insecure about, it’s my teeth. I was sick as a kid, so as a result of the medications, my teeth grew in discolored and weak. When I was little, I thought if I brushed my teeth constantly and drank all of my milk, maybe I’d have good teeth someday. No such luck.

Although I’ll never have perfectly white teeth, I do what I can to keep them as stain free as possible. As a mom that lives on coffee by day and wine by night. Regular old brushing wasn’t doing the trick anymore. And if I hadn’t noticed on my own, the kids constantly reminded me that my teeth were yellow. 

I wanted something a bit more powerful than generic grocery store white strips. Enter Smile Brilliant. With an easy to use system custom-fit to my teeth, I was able to professionally whiten from the comfort of my home. Smile Brilliant works by soaking into the teeth and lifting stains out through the pores.

Before starting with Smile Brilliant, I wanted to check with my dentist. Since the enamel on my teeth is weakened, I wanted to make sure it was safe to use and wouldn’t compromise the strength of my teeth. To my surprise, she actually recommended me using a whitening product before I even had the chance to ask. 

Her recommendation was also to try to use the product daily, for best results. Done and done, doc!

The first step in using Smile Brilliant was to create the molds of my mouth with the pastes and impression trays included in the kit. It was a lot like doing the impressions at the orthodontist, when I had braces. After shipping my impressions to the lab, I got my custom-fitted whitening trays back in less than a week. 

Time to start whitening! Whitening before bed is recommended and probably easiest. I’d wear the trays after dinner and as I was getting myself and the girls ready for bed.

I started out by applying a strip of whitening gel to the trays as suggested in the instructions. After about day 5 though, too much gel was escaping and irritating my gums, so I switched to adding a small dab of gel to the front of each tooth cavity in the tray, which worked much better for me. 

After using Smile Brilliant for two weeks, I can absolutely notice the difference! And wouldn’t you know, the my kids haven’t mentioned yellow teeth lately! This is absolutely a product that i’d recommend if you’re looking to whiten your teeth at home. I’ll be ordering additional syringes of whitening gel to have on hand for future maintenance. 

Want to try Smile Brilliant for yourself? Use coupon code: munchkinsandmilitary15 for 15% off! And enter HERE for a chance to win!

Tooth Whitening Gel