Coffee Chat

Good morning! I am literally just sitting down with a big ol’ mug of coffee for a bit of a brain dump.

I slept awfully last night and woke up grumpy. A complete opposite of yesterday morning. Juli made her way into our bed on one of these nights. Any guesses as to which night? 

Soccer was supposed to start yesterday for Adri, but due to weather, practice was cancelled. V should have baseball practice this evening, but we’re expecting snow again. It was over 60º yesterday and we’re getting snow this afternoon. WTF? Happy first day of spring!

As much as I loved snow days in the beginning, (and then didn’t, because holy cow, winter break pt. 2) we really can’t afford anymore days. The school year has already been extended by a week and a half. Due to our PCS this summer, we’re trying to get out of here as quickly as possible, so that we can get the house rented out quickly. 

We actually met with our property manager this weekend and things are looking good! We have a few minor things to take care of. She wants to paint after we leave, which I was expecting/wanting to do anyway. The walls are currently flat paint (which I love) but most people don’t. Plus, wipeable walls will do much better in a rental! 

I’m hoping to be able to do some landscaping at some point. With all the cold weather, I haven’t had a chance to fertilize the lawn. Plus, our flowerbeds could use some serious help. 

Still no orders, so we haven’t be able to do anything officially, but we’re hoping for an RFO (request for orders) by the end of the week. I’ll say, having John working at HRC sure is useful when he needs to bug people about stuff. 

Oh, boy. I’m just realizing that we missed gymnastics this morning. AGH! Now is probably a good time to go shower and take a nap.