Our Weekend Recap

Happy Monday, friends! Never thought I’d look forward to a Monday, but this weekend was a crazy one! 

On Saturday, the girls had a Girl Scout event with another local troop. Usually I drop the girls off and head out on my merry way, but because this one was a little further than usual, I stuck around. They got to learn about several different countries as well as sample their food. I’m always down for food!

As the girls were presenting, I checked my email to discover my Ancestry DNA results had been uploaded! John got us the kits for Christmas and got his results last week, so I was not-so-patiently waiting to get mine. I plan on doing a whole post sometime soon with the result! 

Saturday is also our new grocery shopping day, where we pick up everything we’ll need to meal prep on Sunday. This time, I also started a little prep on Saturday, since I knew I wanted to be out of the kitchen quickly on Sunday so that I could take Adri to a birthday party. 

Let’s talk birthday parties for a second. A few years ago, I wrote this post about how I always make an effort to go to birthday parties. Even though Sundays are SO busy for us, I’d have felt guilty forever for not going. If you’re an OG mil spouse blogger and are friends with Mal on the Insta, she went on a similar rant yesterday and this morning about the same topic.

So we go to this party, and of course, out of a 27-kid class, only one other student shows up. It was a roller skating party, so there were tons of people in the area, and the birthday girl looked like she was having a blast the entire time. BUT… Only 2 classmates?! 

Believe me, I’m as anti-social as they come. I spent 2.5 hours avoiding adult conversation by walking with my kid around a roller rink while desperately checking my phone for reception. But I’m still glad we made the effort to go. Plus, Adri had a blast!


After the party, John and I discussed this whole selling vs renting out of our house when we move again. I’ve been flip flopping, but was finally leaning towards selling, to just be done with the place. We’d stand to make a decent profit, since we purchased the house as a foreclosure. However, rentals in the area seem to go much faster than sales. 

So, we’re renting it out. It alleviates a good amount of stress, since there is a bit less work that we’d have to do now. We’ll be working on a pretty condensed timeline, since we aren’t expecting orders for another two months or so and plan to leave in mid-June. 

And finally, I FINALLY came up with a new blog name! As many of my blog buddies know, I’ve been DYING for a re-brand for the last 2 or 3 years! As Ju and I were signing into gymnastics last week, it hit me. It’ll be a little while until I reveal the new site, but in the meantime, I’m doing lots of organizing and planning to have a nice cohesive blog!