Snow Daze

Captain’s Log: Day 5

We’re nearing the end of the day. The miniature humans are anxious to go outside and equally quick to return indoors to warm. Outside adult human contact has been minimal. Food supply is running low. The roads have been plowed, but remain icy. School once again is cancelled tomorrow.

I actually braved the outdoors this evening for a quick trip up the road for some basic groceries for dinner. The main roads in town are pretty easy to drive, but maneuvering through our neighborhood was a challenge! I am SO glad we decided to buy a new vehicle with 4 wheel drive.

I drove by the girls’ schools on the way to the grocery and it didn’t look like either of them had been plowed. It looked like there were lots of smaller side roads around the school that were frozen over too. Hopefully, they can get salted or something in the next day or two, so the kids can get back.

Because of snow days, they’ve basically had a month-long winter break! It’s sort of a bummer, because these days will end up being taken out of summer break.

As a kid, I remember having a handful of hurricane days each school year. I don’t think they ever actually made us make up those days though. Kentucky sounds serious though. I guess we’ll see come May 23.

It looks like base will finally be open though, so I’ll be sending Ju to preschool with John in the morning. We are so bad at sticking to a routine with her, so a few hours with Mrs. R will be good for her!

Oh, and can we talk about the cause of all these days off for a second?! The snow!!

The girls have been having a blast playing outside! They really like to get into the snow and make angels or throw snowballs at each other, so the outside fun doesn’t always last long. They’re usually in a hurry to get inside and warm up by the fire.

We got some more last night, which flattened out the areas the girls had been playing in and made everything smooth again. It’s so pretty when it just blankets the area evenly.

I am in love with it! I don’t even mind the cold so much when there’s snow! It’s so beautiful to look at and fun to walk through. It has been SO powdery soft. I’m obsessed! Seriously!

I am also not the person who has to shovel it and do whatever other preventative measures there are for snow, so that explains that. Although, John did teach me how to scrape the windshield this morning. Fascinating things you learn at 30, after living in a tropical climate your entire life.

Another new snow experience is Caesar having tail issues. Apparently the cold can cause limp tails in dogs? Something to do with that muscle or something? Freaking weird. But, we’ve been having him take it easy for the last two days, and it seems to be improving.

I hope everyone is staying warm!

How are you keeping busy with snow these snow days?