Last Minute Halloween Things

Eek! I messed up! I’ve been so burnt out from sports, that I dropped the ball on Halloween goodies for the girls’ school parties. I just got home from picking stuff up from Walmart, and realized I forgot to grab costumes for John and myself. Oops!

On the bright side, I’ve decided we’re going to take the winter season off from sports. I LOVED having something to do in the afternoons with the girls, but because of how late the practices were, it always threw off the dinner and bedtime schedule. After bedtime is when I sit and plan for the next day, so that wasn’t happening.

The girls will still be in gymnastics, which thankfully meets earlier, and gives me an opportunity to be home at a reasonable time to start getting dinner prepared and on the table.

I know many families ate before practice, but eating at 5:00 didn’t seem all that doable to me. Not only does it seem insanely early, but then to have the girls running and jumping on full bellies, didn’t seem like a great idea. I don’t know.. We aim for dinner at around 6:00 or 6:30 at the latest, if we’re waiting for John to get home.

Now, back to last minute Halloween things! The girls and I will be putting their little goody bags together this afternoon. I was hoping to make cute little jack-o-lantern fruit cups, but for whatever reason, I was on a mission to find orange gelatin cups at the store. That didn’t pan out, so I grabbed squeeze fruit things instead, for surprisingly cheap. Now that I realize I should have been looking for fruit cups, I might make an exchange.

I also wanted to share this little felt jack-o-lantern that I’ve been doing with the girls for the last 3 or 4  years. The first version was a giant pumpkin made out of an entire yard of felt. This year, I made a smaller version with the felt sheets. SO much easier! Plus, there’s less of a chance of these being covered in Caesar hair, since they can stay on the table! 

Using one of the felt sheets that is about the size of the paper, I folded it in half, then snipped off the corners. The rough template is below.

Felt jack-o-lanter cutting pattern

And finally, because Veronica’s costume is too scary for school tomorrow, I made her a festive shirt that she can wear instead! I ordered heat transfer vinyl from a new place after realizing that it’s here in Louisville. I was super happy with how quickly the order shipped out, and how quickly it got to me (the next day!). Plus, they included some candy in the order, which I’m munching on now!

I have no idea why dabbing is so popular, but apparently all the cool kids are wearing shirts like this. Best part about this one, is that the skeleton is glow in the dark!