Random Tuesday Thoughts
Hello, friends! 👋🏽 And I mean that quite literally. Apparently there is a good chunk of you that I know in real life that actually read my word vomit. Hi! I appreciate you!
I’m coming at you today with some more ramblings from my day to day life. It’s late and I’ll likely close my laptop before proof reading, so thanks for sticking around anyway.
The girls went to craft camp at Michael’s yesterday. The flyer said parents must stay on premise, so I was expecting to drop them off in the little classroom, then wander Michael’s in all it’s glory for 2 hours. Nope. Not the case. I got to stick around and craft with my kids for 2 hours!
I probably wouldn’t have minded, except it was SO unorganized. The supplies weren’t ready and the instructor was just a hot mess. There really weren’t clear instructions, so this Pinterest mom just winged it. It ended up being fun though, and the girls will be returning to future classes.
Look at how fun these little Nemo perler bead projects from camp are! It actually looks like the characters!

We ended up buying a bucket of 8000 more beads to continue the mess fun at home! My iron has seen more action in the last day and a half than it’s seen in the last 8 years of me being a sort of grown up adult.
I tried to get that bottom right heart to sort of resemble a sunset. Clearly, ironing is not a craft I excel at.
I did manage to snap a lovely shot of the sky yesterday evening though! I was so worried about missing the beautiful Hawaiian sunsets, but we seem to be doing just fine here! Except for the fact that the photo was taken at 9:15 pm. Bedtime for kids is super awesome when the sun is still out..!
Another thing I knew I’d miss about Hawaii was the gorgeous flowers! We had the most beautifully colored hibiscus plants all throughout our neighborhood. 🌺
Well, it turns out we have them in Kentucky as well! The guy that lived in this house before us planted an entire wall of bushes between our yard and the neighbor’s yard, which acted like a fence. I always swore the leaves looked like hibiscus leaves, but with no flowers, I figured I was wrong.
Yesterday, as I was glancing out the window (probably spying on neighbors) I noticed a pop of pink! I haven’t ventured outside to confirm, but it definitely looks like I’ve got a whole lotta hibiscus on my hands!
I’m not sure if it finally warmed up enough for the the flowers to sprout, or if having the landscaper trim them a few weeks ago is what got them kick started, but I’m excited about it. Time to spray ALL the Miracle Gro!
Since I’m nearly 500 words, it’s clearly time to shut things down for tonight. Plus, it’s pretty close to midnight and although I had an iced coffee around the time the sun was setting, I’d like to catch a few Zzzs tonight!
Until next time! 💗