One Week In

Aloooooha! Yesterday marked exactly one week since we first arrived in Kentucky!

We left Florida last (last) Saturday, and spent the weekend at Ft. Campbell with a friend. We made the short drive from Campbell to Knox on Monday, just in time for spring break! We wanted to get here during a break from school, to have a chance to house hunt, without Veronica missing more school than necessary.

I have to admit, the hunt for a place to live was a challenge. Even with us stalking the internet before hand, there just wasn’t a ton of inventory. The houses here seem to run on the smaller side, and having a big ol’ dog doesn’t help with rentals.

Luckily, yesterday we scored a property that we had our eye on for a while! Unfortunately, we won’t be moving in for another month or so.

When we first arrived, the weather was pretty chilly. We were not prepared at all. So, trip to Kohl’s! I missed me some Kohl’s! I still don’t know how to dress for cold weather, but I have a little while to figure it out.

The weather has since warmed up, and it’s a good thing. There are a few parks within walking distance that we’ve been frequenting. Anything to get us all out of our little hotel room! Living in 5ooish sqft with 5 other living beings is not for the faint of heart.

The dog park has been a frequent stomping ground as well, since Princess Caesar won’t poop while on a leash. Thankfully he’s been a really good boy at the hotel. We’ve even been able to leave him in the room without any worries of him freaking out due to anxiety.

Our accommodations are nice, but I just can’t wait to get into our own home. With a back yard. And have our HHGs delivered. And do some crafting. I’ve screenshotted a ton of ideas on my phone. Oh and I’m looking forward to cooking a real meal. Eating out is getting old. And even the most adorable tiny human on the planet

Any tasty semi-healthy-ish meal ideas that be made in a hotel? I’ll be forever grateful! We’ve got limited resources here!