Monday Madness

Ah! The long weekend (four days for most military folks) had me so confused. I thought today was Sunday, so today’s post never made it up. Oops. I’ll be saving it for another day!

Instead, let’s use today to talk about this weekend. And possibly this upcoming week, ok? It’s going to be a big week over here! John’s outgoing change of command is on Friday. Yay! We survived!

In preparation of the change of command, John has been working late and even going in on the weekends. Boy, I can’t wait until the late nights at work are over. And the late night phone calls. And the weekend phone calls.

I’ll miss it though. There have been plenty of challenges, but we’ve gotten to know some really great Soldiers along the way! Thankfully, we still have a little bit longer here. We think. We honestly have no idea where we’re headed next or when we’ll be headed there. That’s a whole ‘nother story though!

John’s mom and my dad will be flying in tomorrow for the ceremony. Two weeks ago his mom asked us to purchase her flight, which basically crushed my soul. I haven’t bothered to check our bank account since. Although I do take comfort in knowing that once command is done, there will be fewer lunches, gifts, fundraisers, etc. to pay for. Oh and having a free babysitter in our home for the next two weeks.

It’s also nice to not have to pay for the reception this time around. For his incoming change of command, we did BBQ pulled pork sandwiches along with all the fixin’s. It was an affordable way to go, but when you’re feeding 100+ people, nothing is actually cheap. This time, we get to head home right around 10:15 and get an early start on our weekend. Maybe with some shave ice with our visitors!

My one splurge this time around was getting my nails done. It used to monthly ritual, but after my mani/pedi partner PCSd, I haven’t gone back. I can’t get over how nice my nails look and how soft my feet are. BTW. Gel manicures are the way to go. So long lasting and I feel like they actually protect my nails!

Speaking of protecting nails (and finger tips) I discovered a simple trick for cracking open pistachios. Just stick a butter knife in the crack and twist. Sort or like shelling oysters, I imagine. Adri LOVES pistachios, but I’m too cheap to buy the shelled ones. They can be a killer on the fingers though.

Annnd, since I keep mentioning John, what’s one more paragraph or two?! The hubs has had some tummy troubles lately. The doctor he saw seems to think it’s IBS AND GERD. We’ve been trying to eat leaner and greener, but something we ate last night didn’t agree with him.

He spent a good part of the night breathing all hard. It bugged me enough that I spent that time combing through Pinterest looking for meals that he could eat! It’s slim pickin’s. Tonight for dinner we had some roasted squash soup with cooked spinach on the side. I’ve got three gigantic beef bones currently simmering for broth, with is supposed to be the cure to everything. We’ll see.

Anyway, that’s probably enough rambling for now. It’s a short week for us, and I can’t wait!