Schofield Tree Lighting Ceremony

Monday night the fam bam attended the tree lighting ceremony here on Schofield Barracks. We nearly missed the event, due to my having to threaten the girls to behave several times. I was prepared to follow through, as I had to do with a birthday party a few weekends ago, but thankfully they shaped up.

Like a good blogger, I had my trusty DSLR in tow! I got this wifi SD card for the camera, so I’m now easily able to send photos to my phone. It’s pretty amazing! I’ve gotten into the habit or carrying it around more often. I only wish it wasn’t to bulky.

Since John had to meet us at the tree lighting this year, I was on my own when it came to navigating parking. Parking is pretty limited on this base, so I went straight for the spot that I thought would be closest. BOY, was I wrong! Dead. wrong. I could have sworn we had parked at the bar on post for the last few years, but the walk this year just kept going and going and going.

When we finally arrived at our destination, we threw down a blanket near some friends, and the kids went to run around with the dozens of kids that they know from school and activities. It’s nice to attend events like these on base and always be able to pick out a familiar face in the crowd. That’s probably one of the nicer things about being on a smaller base. or maybe I just notice it more now, since V goes to school.



Shortly after arriving, they lit up the tree and Santa made an appearance. Santa always rides in on a fire truck, which I love! He then goes to an area where he gets to greet the kids and take photos. The line was massive by the time we arrived, so I didn’t even bother. The girls will have a chance to see him later on at the PX for photos.


At that point, the hot cocoa had run out, so we decided to head back home. It’s hard to prioritize fun events like that on school nights where you also have homework, dinner, and baths that have to be done. Short and sweet was perfect.