Weekend Festivities

After the big deal that I made about making an effort to go to birthday parties, I found myself selfishly hoping that no one would show up to Veronica’s party this weekend. She handed out invitations to the entire class (because you have to..) but I really had no desire to socialize with most of these parents. I’m terrible, I know. Blame it on the social anxiety.

Since we anticipated having a possible huge turn out, we held the party at the arts and craft center here on base. Plus, I didn’t really want a bunch of strangers in my house. The kids got to chose a ceramic piece and paint it, and I didn’t have to have anyone in my home.


In the end, only five classmates RSVP’ed, in addition to the friends that we knew would be there since we always spend our weekends together. All five class surprisingly showed up and the party went smoothly. Yay!


This little boy that has a crush on V was there for a little while. He had a t-ball game, so he couldn’t stay the entire time, but he wanted to make sure that he dropped off her gift, and that she saw him in his baseball uniform. He even sprayed some cologne on himself before coming over. I almost died. This kid is so damn cute!

Following the party, we went home and napped. John was on leave last week and I’ve really gotten into napping with him. It’s going to be tough times this week when I don’t have a chance to nap.

On Sunday we attended a party on the beach for a kid-friend who’s birthday is the day after V. It was a nice low-key get together, once again with all of our favorites.


After the weekend, I can say that I am pizza’ed out! I want to say I had it on about four separate occasions. And I still have an entire Costco one sitting in my fridge! On the bright side, I also have a quarter sheet cake from Costco in my fridge as well!