My Favorite “Useless” Baby Products

Usually, when I wake up in the mornings, I lay around in bed for a little bit perusing Facebook. As I was browsing last week, I came across a thread on a mommy page, about useless items for babies.

Many of the items on the lists I agreed with. There were a bunch, however, that I was surprised to see on the list.

Baby Towels

Sure, your baby could just use a regular towel, but the little hooded baby towels are just so darn cute! Plus, the hood helps keep the baby’s head from losing too much heat, due to the water evaporating off of them. 

Wipe warmer

This one was easy for me to agree with. Up until recently, I deemed wipe warmers completely useless. Even if you want your baby to have a nice warm bum, the heat dissipates from the wipe almost instantly. And really, I guess they are. The only reason mine gets any use, is to keep the coconut oil liquefied on my homemade cloth wipes.

Changing table

Once again, the changing table was an item passed down from the Veronica era, which only recently started being put to use. Prior to using the changing table, I’d change the baby where ever it was convenient. More often than not, this was my bed, but the couch was also a victim. After having to strip our duvet one too many times, I started using the changing table. It’s now become habit, and if we have a messy accident, all I have to do is strip off the little cover.


Yep. Believe it or not, baby cribs made the list. While we did co-sleep with Juli for a very long time, the crib is where she went for her daytime naps. It didn’t feel safe to have her in our bed while not around to watch her, so crib naps were the obvious solution. Not only that, but having her in her own room with the door shut, made it easier for me to do chores around the house.

Diaper Genie

This one blew my mind! We’ve had our Diaper Genie, since Veronica was born. Even though we mostly cloth diaper Juli, I occasionally switch her to disposable diapers when she decides to poop eight times in one day. The Diaper Genie keeps the smells under control, without me having to take a diaper outside to the trash can following every diaper change.

Boppy pillow

While not a necessity, these pillows do make nursing sessions much more comfortable. The pillows are also useful for helping prop the baby up a little. I used a Boppy for a while, until I discovered this pillow that I liked much better!


Do you use any of the items on this list?