Our Egg-cellent Weekend

Happy Aloha Monday! Just kidding.. There is nothing aloha about Mondays. Although, Veronica is still off from school today, so I didn’t have to wake up as early as I typically do.

From Friday until today, we were knee deep in eggs and Easter activities. I’m just glad that we are done with major holidays for a little while. This mama is burnt out, and ready for some time off. Even if it does mean that I have to wake up early to get the girls off to school.

Our festivities started on Friday, with the last of our FRG sponsored events. While the unit was in the field, we tried to host a couple of events to get us out of the house, and interacting with other adult humans. The weather put a tiny damper on the activities, but I think the kids ended up loving an egg hunt in the rain.

We kicked off our Saturday with the post-wide egg hunt. Holy cow, there were a ton of eggs and kids! With the way the age groups were divided up, Adri and Juli hunted first. I was disappointed when Adri (who was at the top of the age group) came back with only two eggs. Because of that, I let her go again with Veronica, in the 5-9 age group that didn’t allow parents on the field.


That night, the Easter Bunny made a late trip to Walmart. They were pretty much cleared out, so I had to get creative! I wend to the clothes section, and bought a bunch of blank t-shirts to personalize. I was so so happy with the results! It took me about an hour, start to finish, to get six shirts done, but that included designing them on the computer and ironing everything down.

Finally, Sunday was spent as a family & framily day. The girls dyed eggs early on in the afternoon. I never got the appeal of dying eggs, but they’ve been eating them like crazy, so whatever works! And then we hosted a small dinner. I normally love to do huge eggstravagant dinners, but I just wasn’t feeling it this time around. Plus, the commissary was out of asparagus, my go-to.


This morning, I volunteered at Adri’s preschool for their Easter celebration. I helped her teacher in the classroom, while the class aide and another mom took the class around to all the other classrooms to complete the activities. In Adri’s class, the students made stained glass crosses, similar to the St. Patrick’s stained glass that we made. Her teacher and I had a great opportunity to chat about an assortment of topics. She called me a “young mom,” which I’m not sure if I consider myself as one, but hey, I’ll take it!

Tomorrow, we’re back to the daily grind. I’ll have chance to grocery shop and clean up around the house. Woo! The kids will go to school, and my husband will come home at night. It almost makes waking up at 6:30am worth it!