Weekend Projects

I love a weekend where it feels like I actually accomplished something! This weekend felt like we were going just about the entire time!

Our really good friends will be PCSing away from Hawaii this summer, so we’re trying to soak up every moment together that we can. Friday, they hosted a Little Mermaid movie night. The guys were all at an Army event, so it was just the ladies (and one little man).

If we’re friends on Facebook, you may have noticed the awesome photos from movie night that my friend posted. She is so damn creative! And speaking of creative, she made us all mermaid tails for Christmas, which we of course sported for the festive event!

I began tackling our taxes on Saturday, only to realizes towards the end that I was using the wrong program. I could have just submitted anyway, but instead I switched over to the program that I was using last year. Eventually I got tired of taxing, and took an extended break. It’s a good thing too, because Sunday morning I got an email from a blog network that needed me to submit a W-9 for work I had done. Uh.. A little late for that, no?

In the evening, we were once again back at our friends’ house for painting and Korean food! For painting, we followed a YouTube video, but I made the mistake of choosing the most complicated painting ever. Oops. I still love how they turned out!

Finally, Sunday was spent accomplishing things that we needed to do. John & I’s room got a cleaning that it desperately needed. Our dresser is no longer covered in random junk and papers. It looks so pretty when it’s all nice and clean and organized. We’ll see how long that lasts!

I also tossed out a ton of clothes from my closet. I was finally able to part with so many of the items that I haven’t worn since college. Woo! Space for new clothes!

Veronica is coming up on her 100th day of school, which means that we spent some time putting together a project for that. I cut out 100 butterflies with my Cricut, and she glued them all down to the poster board. She is so proud of her poster board, and slightly concerned with being able to carry it into school.


Annd now it’s Monday and I feel ready to take on the week! How was your weekend?!