
Behavior Sticker Chart

Last year was a challenging one in the parenting department. I found myself losing my cool more often than I prefer and the girls acting out pretty regularly. I tried a couple different versions of behavior charts, but they never really worked for us. Finally, I came up with something that works for our family.

Free printable sticker charts

The two original charts that I created were somewhat vague. There was no specific task that needed to be accomplished, so the girls would just earn stickers for “being good”. Being good is pretty subjective, so let’s just say that there weren’t many stickers earned.

Free printable sticker charts - 4 colors to chose from!

On my third attempt at these sticker charts, I went a little overboard with objectives that needed to be met daily. There were 13 or so lines on which the girls could earn stickers for. Not only did that mean a ton of stickers daily, but it just felt so nitpick-y.

Behavior sticker chart

So, I took the third idea, revised it, prettied it up, and ended up with our current sticker chart. I also added a goal and reward area in the bottom, so that the girls know what they’re working towards and how many stickers they need for that.

After about a week and a half of usage, I think things are working out pretty well. Just yesterday, we went for our first round of treats. Veronica got an ice cream, and Adri got some cotton candy. Currently, V is working towards earning some Shopkins.

Free printable behavior sticker charts

Anytime the girls start to act up, I threaten to take a sticker away, and that usually gets them acting right. If not, they lose the sticker for that category. Since we’re only a short amount of time in to using these charts, we haven’t had a rewardless week yet, but I’m sure that when we do, some little ladies will not be pleased.

And in case any of you other mama’s want to use these sticker charts for yourselves, I’ve included them below! I made four different versions, to fit any style that you’re looking for!

pinkbluegreencotton candy

Four free printable sticker charts