A Year and a Half

Originally, I had the title for this post as “18 months”, but seeing as how we really don’t need to  quantify her age by months anymore, Juli is officially a year and a half old! So much has changed in the six months since her first birthday.

To begin with, Ju finally decided to sleep through the night. Hallelujah! For the last few months, she’s slept without any issues from roughly 8pm to 8am. We do have to wake up a little early on school days though, and she gets pretty cranky pretty early.


I believe we’ve finally weaned from breastfeeding. I was kinda trying to quit around the 14 month mark, but neither of us were really in a hurry. It was up until last week that she was still reaching into my shirt and trying to get some boob. Breastfeeding is certainly something that I’ll miss, since it’s never going to happen again, but I’m happy to be moving away from it.

Less boob milk also means more real food. This child is a tiny beast! She’ll out eat both of her older sisters! And watch out if she’s hungry. My monster gets hangry, just like her mama, when the belly is empty.

In the last couple of months, Juli has picked up a little vocabulary. Her favorite word is “hello”, so she and Adele seem to have lovely conversations every so often. Other faves include: hi, owwie, mom mom mom mom, dog, woof, and no. No, being my favorite at the moment.


Currently, Ju is learning to listen (or chose not to listen) and follow directions. She is so damn smart. You can tell her to throw away her trash, and she’ll pick it up and find a trash can. I love demanding kisses, but she’s being pretty stingy with those lately. Anytime I point a camera or phone at her, she makes sure to say, “cheeeeese.” She’s ok with please and thank you as well!


It makes me pretty sad to see my baby growing up, but it’s also so much fun to watch her learn and explore.