Where Does the Time Go?
Guys! It’s November! How did this even happen?!
I can still vividly remember what I was doing a year ago! And that’s saying a lot, because most of the time, I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast.
Last week was packed full of running around due to chaperoning both girls on field trips and preparing for the Trunk or Treat even that John’s Battalion hosted. Although the week seemed to drag on with errand after errand, in hindsight, it flew by. With the holidays quickly approaching, I don’t see time slowing down very much for me either!
Thanksgiving is just under four weeks away! I have no idea what we’ll be serving, but we’ve already invited a bunch of friends over.
In just over a month, my middle baby, Adri will be turning 4! I haven’t even thought twice about a party or anything for her. My poor December baby gets screwed in the birthday department.
Shortly after Adri’s birthday, Christmas will be here! I’ve already started pinning DIY Christmas ideas. Knowing me, time will get past me before I’m able to complete anything, so it’s probably best to start now.
My parents will also be visiting in December (I need to hurry up and fold all of the laundry that has piled up on the guest bed). While they’re here, John and I will be escaping to Maui for a couple of days! I absolutely can’t wait! I’ve already started looking up which activities we want to try to do. This is our chance to pack a ton of exploring into each day, since we’ll be kid-free.
My goal for this week is to not let life completely slip through my hands. Halloween decor is all down, but there is a bunch of cleaning still needing to be done. I’ve got FRG and who knows what else, that I’ll attempt to get through without losing focus on everything else that needs to be accomplished. And hopefully, I can catch up on blog reading. I missed a lot last week!