Fall Break Recap

Adri went back to school today. Veronica doesn’t go back until Wednesday, but I consider Fall break to pretty much be over. Although we didn’t check off everything from the Fall Break Checklist, we did get a while bunch done.

Not only did we make it to the beach, but we went twice! The first trip was with our friends from boot camp. The second trip was to see turtles! There weren’t a ton out there, but we did manage to see a few little heads and flippers poke out of the water.

We managed to BOO two of our neighbors. So far, it seems as though they’re playing along, with the BOO sign on the outside of their doors, so we’ll have to see if somehow the BOO makes it back to us.

We made it out to the splash pad, but that lasted all of 3 minutes. We had a chilly and windy day, so the girls weren’t to enthused.

We also went to an amazing Oktoberfest fest. This is the second year in a row that our friends host this event, and once again, we had a blast. Lots of great food and plenty of beer- can’t go wrong with that!


Tomorrow will be the last day of break, then Wednesday I’ll have to set my 6:30am alarm again. Boo..!