It Was a Good Day

You know those days where everything just seems to go perfectly? That was me yesterday. Every single little detail in my life just seemed to come together seamlessly, resulting in a fantastic day. I waited until to write about, in fear of jinxing it!

The morning started out much like they normally do. My alarm goes off and I hesitate to crawl out of the warm snuggle that Juli and I have going on. The girls are rounded up for breakfast before we head out for school drop off.

After dropping Adri off in her class, I went back to the car to wait and nurse Juli. Adri’s school had a little performance in the morning so I stuck around for that. As I was waiting in the car, I was able to get online and register as the school’s Box Top coordinator. I had been waiting for the director to send me the info for a month or so, so I was quite pleased that I was able to just get in on my own!

Since Adri attends a Christian school, the performance started in prayer along with a few words from the pastor. I’m not overly religious, but it was such a nice and refreshing way to get the day started. Watching Adri sing her little songs about God, brought the hugest smile to my face. In the beginning, I wasn’t so sure about sending her to a Christian school, in fear of them bombarding us with religion, but it’s a perfect balance and I’m glad she’s learning there.

Following the performance I needed to make a quick trip to the store. With my luck, I was able to snag the very first parking spot by the door! On the way out, some crazy hoarder lady parked in the handicap stall next to me. She looked over, asked if she was in the lines, then told me to have a great day. For whatever reason, that kept the smile on my face for a while longer.

Then, once back home, my birthday gift finally arrived. My birthday was May 30, and John had ordered the piece of art on our cruise at the beginning of May. Four months later and I was one happy camper. I had been calling the art gallery obsessively trying to figure out where my painting was. 


Do you love it?! Romero Britto is one of my favorite artist! So many fun bright colors. I hung it up in a spot where I’ll pretty much always be able to have a clear view of it. Such a lucky girl I am!