Sick Days

I haven’t been feeling too hot lately. It start Saturday with an itchy throat and a bit of a stuffy nose. Yesterday was not much better plus I had an added headache. By the end of the day, I decided it was time to hand over the parenting to John, take a hot shower, and deal with being sick.


I’ve been rubbing on the Vicks and even applying it to the bottom of my feet, to no avail.

I’ve got the sniffles, and with constantly wiping my nose clean, my skin was starting to get sore. My friend suggested Aquaphor and OMG, it’s worked miracles!!

ADri had her 3 year check up this morning and I did do a little weekend clean up today, but it’s mostly been sitting around with my iPad and a hot cup of tea. My face and head just hurt and I don’t feel like doing much.

What are some of your favorite sick day items?