Juliana – Five Months Old

My Ju baby turned 5 months old yesterday. It’s crazy to think that next month, she’ll be half a year old! Seriously, where does the time go?!


There really haven’t been too many changes since last month. Juliana can now effortlessly roll from back to front and front to back. She’s also bringing objects to her mouth, which gets me pretty excited for Baby Led Weaning next month. We’re getting close to sitting, but not quite there yet. She could probably benefit from some extra tummy time, but I just love holding her too much.

In the beginning, Juli wanted to be held around the clock, she is getting so much better with sitting in her bouncer or swing while I do things around the house. Since her eyesight has developed, I think she’s more comfortable not being held.


Breastfeeding is going exceptionally well. Each feeding lasts anywhere from seven to 10 minutes, and she will sometimes go five to six hours between feedings. She used to spit up a lot after eating, but lately it seems to have gotten better.

For nap times I’ve been putting her to sleep in her own room, which allows me the freedom of going in and out of my room during the day. Nap times vary, but she’s pretty consistent with her morning nap, afternoon nap, and occasionally an evening nap. Depending on when the evening nap happens, I’ll sometimes just put her in her bassinet in our room.


Once she wakes for her night time feeding, normally between 11 and 12, I just bring Juli to bed with us, and she nurses throughout the night. It doesn’t seem like she’s ready to sleep though the night just yet, but that’s alright, I love her snuggles so much!Happy weekend!