What I’m Working On

Since the baby was born, it’s like I have this extra little burst of enthusiasm to get stuff done around the house. It kinda started with my clean kitchen obsession and has spread to other areas of the house. I even printed out this fantastic planner set to help keep me on track. At the moment, I’m working on a few little projects, to help spruce things up.

In the past, I never really had any interest in keeping up with our yard. We have flowerbeds around  the entire perimeter of the house, but since we live on post and this house isn’t really ours, I never took an interest in maintaining them more than I had to. After starting our little vegetable garden, I realized how easy it is to dig up a few weeds and plant something else, which is exactly what we did over the weekend.

The girls planted sunflower seeds in mason jars a while back. We took the spouts from those and planted them along the back wall of our garage. So far, they’re thriving. I’d be super happy if they would grow six feet tall with huge bright flowers.

Another little project that I’ve been working on is my photo wall. Each time my mom has visited, she’s helped with it. It’s finally getting to the point where it looks close to complete. I got on Shutterfly yesterday and ordered a bunch of free prints (promo code: laborday101 [or click here for 101 free photos from my referral page]). So far, I love how the wall looks. It’ll be a work in progress, and I’m sure huge changes will be made each time we move as well as when the girls get older.

This last project isn’t really home related, or even a project really.. Actually, I’ve been attempting to put together a mini homeschool curriculum for the girls for the days that they’re not in school. It’s taken a lot of Pinterest searching and some creativity on my part, but it’s coming along. I’ve found some great homeschooling resources and have taken little bits and pieces from everywhere. I even fired up the Cricut for some extra fun little projects. Today will be the first day that we’ll be following somewhat of a lesson plan instead of just randomness that I print from the internet. Wish us luck.


  1. Love that picture wall! I want to add more frames to ours but we will be leaving next summer so I’m resisting the urge. Confessionsofahomeschooler.com is where I got most of Em’s curriculum plus I did workbooks I got from amazon.

  2. Good luck with the homeschooling project! My mom did that with us every summer. And did the girls grow up overnight? They look so much bigger!

  3. I ordered my 101 free prints last night. I used to be so on top of it! I like to put pictures in photo albums. Obviously I don’t order a print of every picture I take, but a good amount. Last night, I realized I still had Okinawa pictures I hadn’t ordered! I’m backed up to July of 2013. Who has the time?!?!?

  4. I love the photo wall! I really need to get cracking on some of our “homeschool” work, too … I’m hoping once Savannah starts preschool next week, she’ll be a little more eager to sit and learn some new stuff!

  5. I love the gardening! I have always stayed away from it since every house is not really “ours” but when you do put work into it, it feels good. So good luck mama 🙂

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