The Last Weekend

It may have been nice to have a quiet time at home this past weekend, but since we anticipate being locked in a hospital next weekend, we made sure to get out of the house and enjoy last weekend on the island as a family of four. We also realize that although we aren’t shy about taking our new babies out into the world, juggling three little ones will be exponentially harder than one or two, so it may be a while before we’re out and about.

We visited the pool on post for the first time this Saturday. We didn’t stay too long, but the girls had a nice time splashing around while we were there. Veronica spent a good chunk of her time showing everyone how she could hold her breath and put her face under water.

As we were driving to the pool, I noticed this little gem. It took me a second (and seeing the picture of Mike) to figure out what the heck a “Yard Thale” was. I chuckled quite a bit afterwards. I’m still pretty amused by it. Some creative jokesters that we have here on Schofield Barracks.

mike tyson yard sale sign

In the evening, we made a trip to Waikiki for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I love the Cheesecake Factory here, because it seems like one of the few restaurants where the prices are comparable to the prices on the mainland. In case you’ve never been to the Cheesecake Factory, let me break down the typical evening for you.

  • MUST arrive before 5:00 pm or we’ll be waiting for hours
  • Get seated and flip through 256 menu pages. It all looks so good.
  • Order drinks, avocado eggrolls, and the specialty from page 15.
  • Waiter brings bread to the table. Must. Eat. All. The. Brown. Bread.
  • Ask for more brown bread. 
  • Entree arrives. The plate is huge. 
  • Box up 3/4 of your entree for lunch tomorrow. 
  • Split giant slice of cheesecake with your date.

When we left, there was a gigantic line out the door. Seriously. Get there early.

Sunday was our beach day. It was windier and the water felt colder than usual, so the grand majority of my time was spent either in our giant raft thing or laying on the sand. I managed to get some good sun, which I’m happy about, since I’ll more than likely be spending my next trip to the beach under a tent nursing a tiny one.

waimea beach day

This week will hopefully be spent making final preparations for the babe. John and I put together the bassinet yesterday. It took embarrassingly longer than it should have. I’ve got to put a dresser together today, so that all of the cute little baby clothes can get sorted and put away.

I also have a doctors appointment today and a long list of questions to ask. Thursday will be my final non-stress test, then Friday should hopefully be induction day. I can’t believe she’s almost here!

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  1. So soon!!!! Sounds like a wonderful weekend, though! What fun! And I haven’t been to the cheesecake factory in ages. Now I want brown bread….. and cheesecake.

  2. Looks like a fun weekend! The last time we attempted the Cheesecake Factory on a weekend, the wait was over 1.5 hours. Insanity.

  3. Ah so excited that little J will be here, crossed fingers, at the end of the week! Sounds like you had a fun weekend! (PS: that sign is priceless)

  4. I miss the cheesecake factory soooooo bad!!! We used to go all the time when we lived in Washington and Arizona! Ugh…that will be our first stop when driving back tot he lower 48! haha

  5. Sounds like a great weekend — especially Cheesecake Factory. {And you already know my thoughts on the beach! Ha!} Love Adri’s face in that photo — she’s too cute!

  6. I have never been to The Cheesecake Factory but I have always heard great things about it! I’m glad you enjoyed your weekend and got to do some fun things! =]

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