Second Guessing

Veronica and Adri will both be going to preschool twice a week starting next week. Yesterday, my parents took both of them out and about, leaving Juli and I home alone for most of the day. It was such a strange feeling not having to chase after a toddler, or make lunch, or change a diaper, or do anything really. After a short while alone, I got to thinking and second guessing the decision to start Adri in school.

If Adri is gone all day, what am I going to do? Sure Juli will continue to grow and eventually I’ll have to be more hands on. But really, the first year isn’t all that difficult. 
Veronica really didn’t start going to school until she was three. Adri is only two and a half. Is it good that I’m starting her a little earlier? I feel slightly guilty for not doing things exactly the same way for both of them.. 
Then there’s the added financial burden. Not only did tuition go up by $100 a month, but now I have to pay double. We have no problem affording it, but is it really worth it.
I literally spent the seven hours that Juli and I were home either napping or trying to figure out what our Tuesdays and Thursday will consist of for the next year. 

Shopping will definitely be happening while the girls are in school. If I have any important appointments or meetings, I’ll try to schedule them for Tuesdays or Thursday. I could open my Etsy shop back up, and use that money to help offset the cost of tuition. Hopefully, the house will be sparkley clean. A twice-a-week workout routine wouldn’t be bad either. 

I’d also like to give some structure to the days that the girls are home. I’m thinking that sticking to a schedule similar to what they have at school is probably the best bet. Maybe incorporate some homeschooling into their days. 
It feels like I have so much planning to do and so little time to do it in. What do you other stay at home mommas do with your time?


  1. I say, if you can afford it, have her in there. That way you get some one on one time with the baby. I was always able to have that and it was nice. When she gets a little older, you can start taking her to baby playdates and stuff like that. As long as Adri is having fun at school and it is working well for her, you shouldn’t feel bad about it 🙂

  2. I had that same thing in my head when Zachary started school earlier than Gabbie did. But it was definitely good for him, so I was happy with it, even when I felt guilty about it!

  3. If it makes sense for you, and it seems that it does, then do it.
    But don’t put too many expectations on your days that they aren’t home.. Enjoy that baby!

  4. Everyone is different, biggest thing is enjoy that baby! And if Adri wants to go to school then maybe she needs that independent time away from siblings too. That is kind of how I feel with Pierce, I don’t want him to go to school this year, but he sees Ace go and he wants to go too. I signed him up for two days a week, where Ace goes three. But I am unsure about it. I just want to keep them all home with me all the time. ha!

  5. I think putting her in school isn’t a bad idea. It’s only two days a week — and she’ll still be getting individualized attention, even with other kids in the class. She’ll make friends and have fun — and the time will fly by for her on those days! And you’ll be amazed at just how fast the day will fly by for you, as well!

  6. As others said, you do what feels right for your family.

    I stay at home, and my day is filled with cleaning, errands, and writing. Oh, and picking up the kids from school.

  7. I say if you can afford it, do it. That way you can do grocery shopping and other shopping, have time for hobbies, cleaning, whatever. Both my kids went to hourly daycare 3 times a week for half a day once D was 2 months. Saved my sanity.

    Also, John saw the bottom half of your pick and goes “NORMALIZE BREASTFEEDING” when I showed the rest of the pic he goes “NORMALIZE BREAST SLEEPING!” LMAO

  8. I think if you re-read this post while everyone is screaming at 10am, you will have your answer. 😉

    ((LOL and my vote is always always preschool.)) 😉

  9. I think you need to do what you think is best for your family. I loved having my older girl in school a few days a week while I was home with a baby. She loved going to school where she could play with kids her age. If I have some time where it is just me at home, I usually clean, fold laundry, organize, or just zone out for a few minutes to save my sanity.

  10. gosh it would be hard to find out how to make that time i would be gaining back productive, i might nap if my little one was napping, sit down and watch a TV show without interruption 🙂

  11. When Little Miss was born I thought there was no way I would want to put Stinker in school. But after a couple months I decided to start him in 3-day preschool. It was only half day, but it was great. Those were times when me and the baby had our own play dates with other young ones or did errands. Now with Sweet Pea the kids are staying in full time daycare (8-5pm) throughout my 8 weeks of leave. To be it’s worth it and Little Miss isn’t even 2 1/2 yet. They both love school, love their friends and have more fun than I would be able to come up with. I like keeping their routine stable, and that’s worth the money spent. But our situation is a bit diff since they were already in school full time 😉

  12. Do what you feel is right! It is your family and you know what is best for your kids. And know that everything can’t be the same with each kid. Trust your gut!

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