Big Day?

Oh my gosh! Today might possibly be the big day! I have an appointment this morning this morning to check my fluid levels, and depending on how that goes, I might have to be induced!
Since my ultrasound last week, I’ve been trying to drink as much water in possible in an attempt to get my levels up, but honestly, I wouldn’t mind being induced at this point. I’ll be 37 weeks on Friday and the ultrasound tech last week made it seem like if it was necessary, the baby should be absolutely fine.
I never got around to posting an outfit pic yesterday, because it was actually pretty boring. A maxi skirt and a neon tshirt in the softest most comfortable material known to man.
My trip to Target was phenomenal! I ended up spending just over $200 (which included a new dresser for V) and saving close to $100! It took some planning and work at the register, but I made it happen.
The bare minimum got packed for my hospital bag. Thanks to those who shared suggestions. I didn’t go overly crazy packing things, but there are one or two things in my bag that no one mentioned. I’ll be sharing the contents of my bag, sooner or later.
Also, as I was typing this up last night, I got an email that I was nominated as one of the top 50 military mom blogs. Woohoo! If you wouldn’t mind, check it out and show my blog a little love. You get 5 votes a day, so you can also vote for a few of the other lovely ladies that were nominated.
Hopefully I have some exciting news later today! Since my phone broke, and I only have an iPad with wifi at a hospital with no wifi, if you don’t hear from me, it might be a good sign!


  1. Eeeee!!! Our son was born right at 37 weeks and while he was small, he was perfectly healthy 🙂 praying all goes well today! And yay on the sweet target deal… Those trips always feel awesome.

  2. These last few weeks are always the longest! Hope she comes soon!
    Congrats on your nomination! I’ve been voting for you.

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