
The bloggity blog got a little make over yesterday and I am SO happy with how everything turned out.

I’ve been wanting to do a redesign for a while now, but I honestly had no idea where to start. This time around I was set on paying someone to do it for me versus using PicMonkey and doing it myself. The problem is, I didn’t know how describe what I wanted to a designer, because I didn’t know what I wanted. I liked the last design that was created for me, but I honestly didn’t love it, and for that reason it only stayed up for a couple of months.

In an attempt to save my sanity (and some money), I went the pre-made route and found some templates for sale on Etsy that I really liked. The thing I liked best about pre-made blog designs is that I could see exactly what I was getting up front.

After searching for a while, I decided on a design from Kelsey. Her instructions made it totally simple to install myself, and she even included a bunch of extra little extras (such as the hex codes and font names used in the design) all at a great price!

Since our guests left yesterday, John and I used the day to recover. Who knew vacation could be so exhausting?! While he napped, I spent some time on the computer creating extra graphics and reworking html. There are still a few things that need to be tweaked, but they’ll gradually get done. I hope.

In the mean time, I’d like to focus more on blogging and being more dedicated. I purchased a few ad spots last night, but I’m looking to buy some more. Let me know if you’re having a sale or if there are any blogs that I absolutely must advertise on! (:

And if you really love me, let’s swap…!


  1. You did a great job getting everything set up and it looks great! Thanks for the “shout-out”. I appreciate it! 🙂

  2. I love it! It’s so clean and…cute. Even though that’s not really the word I’m thinking of because “cute” is such a meh word for me. Regardless, I think it’s amazing!!

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