I Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

Yesterday was the epitome of a lazy day. I didn’t do a damn thing. Actually, that’s a bit of a lie. I did a few things, but really, as little as humanly possible. Between Adri crawling into bed with us still and pregnancy taking over my life, I was relatively fatigued.

The one major thing that I did manage to accomplish was going to the post office really quickly to drop off a package. I was slightly surprised when I turned on the car and Bruno Mars’ Lazy Song was playing. It pretty much solidified the fact that nothing else was going to get done. Nothing at all.

Basically, no f***s were given. Kinda paying for it today though. Between my 32 week appointment this morning, and Caesar’s annual check up this afternoon, I need to squeeze in a couple of errands. Once again, I put off going grocery shopping, so it’ll be a nightmare for me to shop since today is payday for the people with military affiliated banks. I can’t remember the last time I shopped on payday, but I feel like I’d prefer to go alone on payday vs taking the girls during the day. Who knows what adventures the commissary circus will have in store..

Love, Alex

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  1. Reading this brought me back to being pregnant with Avalon. Towards the end, okay thats a lie, the whole pregnancy I just didn’t want to do a damn thing. So live up the lazy I say! haha

  2. Lazy days are necessary. Especially when you are pregnant.

    I braved the commissary today. Thankfully, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

  3. Don’t think of it as a lazy day … its a “mental health” day — and truth be told, we all need them from time to time! 🙂

  4. Good luck at the commissary! I haven’t been in forever and opt to hit up the civilian stores though they’re more expensive, because I can do quick shopping my lunch breaks from work. I do whatever I can to avoid running errands with the kids on the weekend 😉 Hope your 32 week appointment went well… and if you ever need to rant or vent about 3rd trimester discomfort with baby #3, you know where to find me. Almost 29 weeks here, and I feel like I’m dying sometimes… (yes, that was a little dramatic… whatever).

  5. I’ve been feeling like this more days than not lately. If I don’t work I do nothing and definitely don’t bother with leaving the house. I won’t be able to have lazy quiet days for much longer. So I won’t feel guilty about it and neither should you since you are such a busy momma!

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