Our Easter Weekend

It was a rather low-key weekend around these parts. The girls and I stayed pretty close to home with all of our Easter activities. Surprisingly, it felt like we did a whole bunch without actually leaving the Schofield Barracks area. Side note: HELP! I becoming one of those that doesn’t leave base for anything.

Friday was spent avoiding McDonalds and their delicious cheeseburgers that I’ve become addicted to. #CatholicProbz. Other than that, we didn’t do much other than lounge. The girls went to bed late on Thursday which didn’t make for the best moods come Friday.

In the struggle to avoid meat, I figured out the secret to ordering Pizza Hut in Hawaii. Turns out you can’t just go to pizzahut.com. It has to be pizzahuthawaii.com. For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why the location closest to out house wouldn’t accept online delivery orders. It’s because the regular Pizza Hut site is much cheaper.

Saturday morning Jen and her family joined us for an Easter egg hunt over at the PX. I’m not sure my kids were feeling it. Veronica stood there bawling for no reason for a while before deciding to start pinking up eggs. Adri didn’t bother with eggs.

From the egg hunt, we headed over to the Earth Day Festival that they were having on post. There were tons of inflatable bounce houses and a few kiddie carnival rides. After the girls rode a few things, we went over to get some snacks. I was standing in line and the lady in front of me was taking her sweet ass time with her four slow ass kids. Meanwhile, the sun is pummeling me, and I’m leaning on a barricade to avoid becoming a heat casualty. I blame not having a decent breakfast. After what felt like a century’s wait, I order my soda, chug it, and I’m back in business.

More tears. I think she thought it was going to fly away..?

For Easter Sunday we once again joined Jen and her family for brunch. The girls mostly hung out eating candy or playing with toys, while I was able to enjoy conversation with grown adult human beings. Once we went back home, the afternoon was spent snuggled up on the couch watching Disney Jr.

This week I’ve gota get my butt in gear and get this place cleaned up and organized. I had a ton or projects that I wanted to attempt to tackle while the husband was doing the Army thing, but I haven’t gotten around to them. Hopefully, I can knock something out this week.

Be sure to come back on Friday for a HUGE giveaway that you do not want to miss!

Have a great week!

Love, Alex

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  1. Gotta love an easter egg hunt meltdown, we had a few of our own! And I am with you on getting projects done. I had a huge list I wanted to accomplish for this month, and I think I have completed one maybe one and a half 🙂

  2. Egg hunt meltdowns are the best. I experienced one of those this year as well. It looks like you had a great weekend!

  3. Sounds like a fun filled weekend! I hear you on the random meltdowns, though — we’ve been dealing with them lately, too!

  4. Glad you had a fun Easter weekend. I always love the cry for no reason thing, and I am always a bit jealous of it, there are times when a good cry is just needed, even though there is absolutely no rhyme or reason behind it. =)

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Ah! The key to ordering pizza! We always have to call the dominos on schofield and I hate doing that. Talking to people is hard. :p

  6. I like that you keep it real with the meltdown photos. I’m so looking forward to things like egg hunts and carnival rides with my little one and have this idyllic picture in my mind of how much she’ll love that stuff, but kids are weird and sometimes it just becomes a mess.

    We’ve been in our house just over 2 months now and it feels like there’s always more cleaning and organizing to do!

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