Today WILL Be Better
Yesterday was rough. I don’t think it was even 10:00 am yet, and everyone in the house had shed their share of tears. This momma included. No one wanted to listen, I had work to do, and I was just frustrated with life. I yelled and lost my temper many more times than I would have liked. It felt like no matter what I asked, the girls wanted to do the opposite. The most frustrating part has to be that I hate being a bitch mom. I don’t want the girls to remember me constantly being upset and yelling.
Hubs saw how irritated I was while he was home or lunch and tried to help with some internet suggestions. Some I agree with, some we’ve tried with lackluster results. I’ve made it my goal today to not have a repeat of yesterday. Today I’m going to try speaking to them (especially V) at eye level while using friendly tones. I’m also going to make sure that I follow through with what I say. If I threaten to take stuff away, it’s going to get taken away. I’m tired of feeling like the only person whose kids are assholes. Hopefully, this will be a step in the right direction.
I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to get us all on a good structured schedule. It would help if I would actually print all of those schedules and to-do lists that I’ve pinned on Pinterest. I made a consequence chart that has been stuck to the fridge and untouched since it left the printer. I’m hoping that once everyone is on the same page about expectations, life might go a bit more smoothly.
Having V in school today will help. I’m hoping to keep the day packed with errands, so that Adri doesn’t have time to disobey. And if all else fails, I’ll just sit in a corner and eat the chocolate that Hubs brought home last night while Adri eats ice cream for lunch.

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You are not alone! You know I have struggled with this & was judged for my kid’s behavior. It sucks. It is overwhelming that there are SO many resources and different things work with each child. Praying you have an awesome day today!
Trust me, they won’t remember you as a bitch mom but as a mom who brought them up right! I’ve been struggling with this with little man. He is quite set on always doing the opposite of what I ask. We’ve started introducing more structure and it has helped a lot {he responded REALLY well to a photo schedule} Things will get better. Hang in there
You are not alone! I feel like I have children who never behave while everyone else has perfect children. Then I wonder what I am doing wrong, and why I am failing. It is just a shame spiral after that. The structured day is hard. I have the same problem of sticking with what I start. I hope today is a better day! If not, chocolate is a lifesaver. 🙂
I’ve been feeling so frustrated lately too. Too much yelling on everyone’s part. 🙁
You’re not alone, mama! Hope today’s better.
You are most DEFINITELY not alone. Multiple people, including my pediatrician, have told me that kids usually act THE WORST around the person they see the most. Since you stay home with them, its like they feel completely comfortable just unleashing EVERYTHING at you. Unfortunately. We’re dealing with a lot of attitude issues lately in our house … and it can be so frustrating to feel like you are the only person that is dealing with that, but I assure you, you aren’t!
Hoping today goes better for you!
Oh man, I hope today is a much better scenario! I feel for you, and don’t worry you don’t have the only asshole kids 😉 haha! Some days I wonder if mine are trying to kill me with the amount of frustration that is being produced! It happens to the best of us, we all have an off day!! Hang in there mama
Hugs! I hope today has been better!
Ehh, it’s okay to be a bitch mom. It means you’re correcting them. Working retail again makes me wish more parents took the hands-on approach y’all have.
You are definitely not alone! We’ve had many, many days like that!
Ugh we’ve had that day too many times to even count! Hope everyone is feeling better now! I struggle with follow-through too. I will threaten a spanking while we’re out, and then once we’re home, he’s sweet as pie and I don’t have the heart to give him one. Now that I’ve been following through with that, the threat out in public holds quite a bit more weight and he listens a bit better. It’s tough. You’re a good mom. 🙂