That Time a Tornado Blew Through Hawaii

The weather has been a tad wild on Oahu lately. It’s been super windy, the waves on the North Shore have been extremely high, and just the other day, a tornado blew through my kitchen. If you remember, I like my natural disasters to come with advance warning, so that I can prepare, and let me just say that I was not at all prepared for the mess left behind. It was scary.

The movers dropped off all of our belongings on Monday. At first, we had asked them to unpack the kitchen boxes, but since it took them so long to get everything inside of the house, we just let them leave without worrying about the kitchen boxes. That was a huge mistake on our part.

Since we only unpacked a few kitchen items when we moved from Georgia to Missouri eight months ago, I completely forgot the amount of crap that we had sitting in boxes. Holy hell!

When we first got married, Hubster and I were simple people.. We lived in a small apartment with a small kitchen. We didn’t have half of the kitchen utensils that we have now, and somehow, we survived. Then we bought our first house and started entertaining and having people over. I’m pretty sure that’s where we went wrong. We started buying serving platters, fancy gadgets, and high-tech machines. We had a huge kitchen, and plenty of space for it all.

Together, we decided that we probably wouldn’t be doing much entertaining in Missouri, since we’d only be there for six months. That was partially true. I think we had people over for dinner three or four times in the last month we were there. Still it was fine. I managed without every kitchen tool known to man. And while I was managing to get by, I completely forgot about the boxes on top of boxes in our garage loaded with cooking supplies.

And now we’re living on post in Hawaii. I have to admit, it’s a really nice house, and we have a decently sized kitchen. Still, it doesn’t compare to the size of our Georgia kitchen, and I’m having a hard time finding locations for everything. For about three days, we had all of the homeless wine glasses and serving dishes just hanging out on the island. Thanks to a gigantic closet in our laundry room, the majority of the eyesore has been hidden away. I plan on attempting to sell a couple of items, because after all, who needs a regular coffee pot when you have a Keurig?

Now, we have the rest of the house to work on. The kitchen has taken about a week. I’m scared to see how much longer the rest of the boxes take. 

I’m curious to know your unpacking experiences. How long does it take you to get the entire house put away and settled?

Love, Alex

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  1. I usually can unpack the whole house in under a week — but the next time we move? Im going to take my time. Either find a home for EVERYTHING and not just put stuff in random places, or really decide what we need/want and what we dont and just get rid of it. I am so tired of all the clutter! {And we have totes of stuff at another place in storage, too. I can only imagine whats still in them!}

  2. We took a little over a day to unpack our apartment in Georgia. I just can’t stand seeing boxes and fighting to walk around boxes for days and weeks. And fitting all of our kitchen stuff (which is only a fraction of what I would like to own) in our tiny apartment kitchen and pantry was a struggle. We wound up buying extra shelving units for the pantry.

  3. My kitchen was unpacked and washed/put away within hours. The rest of the house was put away the same day it arrived. I loathe boxes sitting around. But with that being said, I also don’t own too many kitchen gadgets/machines, and if I need a platter for entertaining, I usually go to the dollar tree/Target dollar section and buy one, then manage to send it home with someone- no longer my storage problem! 😉

    I really wanna see your Georgia kitchen now btw. 🙂

  4. We moved in 5 months ago and all the boxes are done so i’d say we’re “settled”, but “decorated”? NOPE! We still have lots of blank walls. 🙂

  5. We live in a teeny tiny apartment and there are so many kitchen utensils and gadgets on my wish list! I will for sure keep this in mind when we move to a bigger place! 🙂

  6. It takes us about a week, and we do the one room at a time method as well. We start with the spaces we use the most like the bathrooms and kitchen and then just move through the house.

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