
Had a Ball

The family had a pretty awesome weekend. There was a BBQ on Friday, Saturday was the Military Police Ball, and Sunday was just a nice relaxing day for everyone.

The BBQ on Friday was nice. One of Hubster’s classmates hosted, and a good chunk of the class showed up. The girls were the only children there, but they were entertained the entire time. They played with the dog, tag, and beer pong. Worry not! They were just throwing the balls! 

Speaking of balls, Hubster and I had a really great time at the ball on Saturday. Normally I’m not a huge fan of those sort of events, because they tend to be a little boring, but this one was actually fun. We went with a small group of our good friends, but hung out with the rest of of class there. People were wild! Not quite in a bad way, but close!

One guy brought vodka soaked gummies, and we were lucky enough to be sitting at his table. The bowl of goodness just kept making it’s way around the table, until it was empty. Those little bears were good!

I think part of the reason that we had a better time at this ball than we have had at any others is that we had great company. In the past we’ve gone with friends, but they haven’t been as close of friends as the ones we went with this. Oh. And one of those close friends was a Marine. I had no idea that they had different dress uniforms! Apparently it’s not only the dessert and woodland uniforms that change with Daylight Savings Time.

Some people had a little more to drink than others, but Sunday was still a great day! I worked on a custom care package that I’ll be sending out today. Today’s Military Monday over at Eights on the Move, is featuring my little shop! Thanks Ashley!!

Love, Alex

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  1. Stunning dress! You two look great! My friends and I tried the Vodka infused gummies once, but they all molded into one giant unappetizing glob! We would chisel at it, but since the flavors all molded together too…it wasn’t the best tasting thing haha.

  2. Looks like you had fun! The ball here is in a couple of weeks, but we aren’t going.

    The Navy and Marines have so many uniforms it is crazy. My husband has two dress uniforms as well as two types of flight suits and it all depends on the season. I miss the Army where he had his ACUs and his dress uniform. 🙂

  3. Love your dress- you look amazing! We have yet to go to a ball with close friends, but as long as I’m drinking, I usually don’t care too much. 😉 haha

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