Checking In

Hello there! Long time no see! With everything going on this summer, I pretty much checked out of blogland. It was a very much needed break, but now I’m back!

The girls finally start school this week and I’ve spent some time over the summer making lists, taking photos, and buying props and equipment!

The biggest part of my summer break however, was spent hanging with the girls and making new friends and memories. It was so easy to leave this blog (and social media) on the back burner as we traveled from Kentucky to Florida, then Florida to Rhode Island, with many stops in between.

I’ve fallen in love with our new home in Newport, as well as our neighborhood and the families here. We’ve taken the time to get out and really explore our surroundings–something we didn’t do in Kentucky. We’ve managed to walk to the beach rather frequently and ride our bikes around the Fort on several occasions. Over the weekend, we even toured the Fort itself! It’ll be fun to head back for their haunted Halloween tours!

Being that we’ll only be here until July or so, we’ve been extremely intentional in how we spend our time. We’ve made sure to take advantage of outdoor activities, while reserving our indoor wishlist for the wintertime, when it’s cold out.

Thanks for sticking around! Be sure to pop back in later this week! I’ll share a lengthy summer recap with tons of photos on Wednesday!