Major News!
The girls FINALLY went back to school Monday after a total of TEN days off of school! It felt like winter break part 2!
I’ve taken the last two days to ease back into real life and today, I’m finally going to get my shit together. But not before I take a quick solo trip to Target! Have you seen all the cute stuff in the Dollar Spot lately?! I just got a letter board for Christmas, but their pink ones are calling my name!
Anyway, onto our major news! Exactly one week ago, the Army’s list for promotions to major came out, and John was on it! 🎉
Sever or eight years ago, I started teasing him about getting promoted below zone (which is early- a good thing) and eventually pinning on some stars. He always said there was no chance, but it wasn’t until he start working the promotion boards at HRC that I believed him. He is literally in the room with the senior officer and enlisted Soldiers as they do the promotion selection process. So, since he actually knows what goes down behind the scenes, I dropped it.

Turns out wifey, with zero military knowledge was right. 😏 I’ve always known him to be an outstanding Soldier, who worked hard from private, to sergeant, to now a promotable captain! Woo!
But, that throws a wrench in our little plan. We came to Fort Knox expecting to be here for two years. With that in mind, I didn’t feel so bad about buying a house. The only house they had available for us on post was way tiny and the off-port rentals kept getting snatched up too quickly.
Now, I adore our house and since we bought it as a foreclosure, we’ve already gained a ton of equity. But man, had I known this would be a one year thing, I probably would have opted to tough it out on post.
We met with a realtor, and she’s confident that the house will sell quickly, but based on the few houses in this area that have sat empty for many months, I’m not so confident.
Otherwise, I am SO excited to PCS again! I love the chaos associated with the packing up and moving across the the country! I love the new experiences at each duty station and the friendships formed there. I don’t love unpacking boxes. LOL
Right now, we have an idea of where we’re headed, but I won’t spill the beans until we have official orders in hand. Last year, we were thinking we’d be in Hawaii for another year and a half, so I’ve really learned not to get my hopes up until those orders are cut!