The First Snow

Much like other parts of the country, we got snow this weekend! Nothing crazy, but it was a big deal for the girls and I!

I’ve only seen snow a couple of time in my life, with the last time being about 5 years ago up at West Point. We were at a wedding, so most of the time was spent shuffling back and forth between rehearsals and events. Plus, the girls were still pretty small, so we didn’t spend any time playing.

This time around, we only got a small dusting, but the girls were out there scraping up snow from the patio table and making snow angels on the trampoline.


I know I’ll regret this later on, but I’m hoping we get a good amount of snow this season. Everyone says that last winter was pretty mild. Fingers crossed for this year! Like I tell everyone, if it’s going to be cold, some snow to show for it would be nice!