Another Monday

Breaking news..: We finally have our RFO! We’ve been researching like crazy lately, but now that we actually have the request for orders, we can start booking!

First on the list will be shipping one of our vehicles! Originally, we were going to try to sell one here and ship the other on the Army’s dime. We even had a savings account set up with $15k to put towards a second vehicle once back on the mainland. But.. Since both cars work perfectly fine, we decided to just keep them both.

It’ll be much less stress on us to try and buy a car in the 3 days that we plan on spending in Miami. Plus, John isn’t a fan of car payments. Clark Howard would be proud.

Since the Army will already be paying for one vehicle, it falls on us to ship the second. I was worried about having to shell out the $2k for shipping until John mentioned that we could just take the money from the savings account.

Because we’ve known for a while that this move was on the horizon, I’ve already gone ahead and pulled the girls out of their after school activities. February will be the last month for gymnastics as well as preschool for Adri.

Come March 1, I’ll only have to worry about taking V to school here on post, about half a mile down the road. Not having to driving back and forth to pick up and drop off Adri will save a good amount of time in my day. Not to mention the monetary savings. Preschool in Hawaii is expensive!

Who knows if my sanity will stay intact. Only time will tell. Although, she’s already testing me. Lord help me.

Anyway… We had a pretty low-key weekend. Juli has had some sort of tummy issues lately, so we’ve played it safe and stuck around the house. Originally, I thought it was a bug. I was hoping for a 24 hour thing. However, we’re on day 5 or 6 of vile diapers. Thankfully the vomiting has subsided!

Veronica FINALLY lost her first tooth, as a result of being headbutted by her sister! She wasn’t even mad! And neither were we. John had actually looked up protocol on pulling teeth out the night before. This thing was barely dangling on!

That same night, we decided to have a “birthday party” for everyone. I was making a cake anyway, and when pathetic little Ju asked me if it was her birthday, I had to say yes. Even though the older two knew it wasn’t their birthday, there was so much joy from each girl when they got to blow out their candles.

Then, once everyone was asleep, I got to play tooth fairy for the first time! The entire time I was SO worried about waking Veronica! I’m just glad that I was searching for a little bag, not a tiny lone tooth!

Operation TF was successful, and she was so excited on Sunday morning! What’s the going rate for the tooth fairy now a days? She got $5 for the first one, but I’m hoping to find $1 coins for all future teeth.

Now that we’re officially heading to Kentucky, I’m sure this week will be jam packed with plenty to do. We’re still going strong with purging. I can’t even describe how great it feels to get rid of our unwanted junk!

Annnd. That’s probably enough for now. Thanks for reading all 600 words.. 😦 Have a fantastic week!