Out With the Old

Hey! Happy New Year! Remember me?! I know, it’s been a while! Let’s start out with a clean slate, ok? Ok!

I’ve been doing my best to start this year off with a clean slate as well. Last week I started cleaning the house out like a mad woman. Not only do we really just have too much stuff, but we’ll be PCSing later this year and I don’t want to have to unpack everything. Nothing like spring cleaning at the beginning of winter!

For the last six and a half years, I’ve been grasping to anything even remotely related to my children. Clothes, toys, art; all of it! Being that we don’t have a ton of space in our Hawaiian home, it was time to part with some mementos. To be honest, once I started, I couldn’t stop! The first step was ditching old worn out kids clothes.

Part of the reason that I can’t keep up with laundry is because we have so much! As I finally got to folding one of the half dozen loads of kids clothes that had been sitting on our guest bed for a month, I started making a pile on the floor of stained and small items. There are numerous items that I’ve been squeezing Juli into that once belonged to Veronica.

Along those same lines, it was time to part with baby toys and other toys that haven’t been touched in ages. A whole trash bags worth! Since this followed Christmas, I didn’t feel as bad as I probably would have otherwise. Whenever we do PCS, I’m hoping to just have one toy room, instead of toys all over all of the bedrooms!

The next step was to clear out my closet. I wish I could use thredUP here, because there was SO much Armani clothes from when I worked there in college. Sadly, no one wants to deal with Hawaii and our shipping rates that are equal to mainland shipping. I ended up donating an entire trash bag stuffed with dresses and tops that will either never fit again or aren’t appropriate momwear. Don’t worry, I kept the stack of 20+ Armani jeans that will NEVER fit over my hips again. Hopefully I will be able to sell those down the line. 

And now that my closet is nearly empty, it means that I need to go shopping! I hardly ever shop for myself though! How do normal people do it? A few new items every time you hit the stores? Help a sister out!