Next Stop..

This PCS has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster.

We started out thinking that Belgium would be a possibility. We researched the area, only to find out the job that John was hoping to get was given to someone else.

Then, we thought we would be staying here in Hawaii for an extra year and a half. His boss wanted to keep him here to serve as the deputy provost marshal. Overjoyed doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings! I absolutely love living here and was looking forward to Adri attending V’s school, and Juli starting at Adri’s preschool.

Branch was saying that John had to move, and we wouldn’t be able to stay here, so Hawaii fell off the map.

And then, we thought going back to Fort Leonard Wood to be an SGL would be a very real possibility. Well, that didn’t happen either. So we were back to trying to get to stay in Hawaii.

Well, that didn’t work out for us. For a little while we were in limbo, just counting down the days until our DEROS.

we're moving to...

Although it’s not officially official yet, John has been told he’s been hired by the LTC over at the new job. The nomination packet is making it’s rounds for signatures before the RFO is released. It may take a couple of weeks, but as of right now, it looks like we’re headed to…

Fort Knox



I can’t say that I’m ecstatic, but I suppose it could be worse! No one that I’ve spoke to seems to hate the area.

John’s boss actually just came from Knox, and had great things to say about. We’ll be chatting more, so I’ll get all the details.

Based on my research, I’ll have no issues gathering craft supplies. There will be plenty of the delicious food that I’ve missed for the last three and a half years. It’ll be closer to family, and easier for them to come visit. AND, my best friend’s husband (who is a pilot), flies into Louisville, which isn’t too far!

Have you been to Fort Knox? I’d love to hear all about it!
